T H E   C R O S S   P L A T F O R M   I A - 3 2   E M U L A T O R
Current Release:
Bochs 3.0
bochs: think inside the bochs. 

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A Window, Tux, and the BSD Daemon
Get Involved with Bochs
    If you enjoy using Bochs, please consider joining our development team to assist in improving and extending Bochs. Open source projects depend on people like you to keep them going, so your help is needed!

    The bochs-developers mailing list is the forum for all sorts of Bochs discussions, so reading over the mailing list archives and joining the list is a good way to get involved. To find out what features and fixes are under consideration, check out the bug reports, patches, and feature requests on the SourceForge project page. Even if you don't have a SourceForge account, you can add to our collection of good ideas by submitting your own.

    If you are familiar with PC hardware such as IDE controllers, 8259 interrupt controller, or the PS/2 mouse protocol, we can always use some help in improving the device models. Or, if your favorite operating system or GUI is not supported, you might want to port Bochs to your platform. Another way to contribute is to test Bochs on new platforms. The testing status page shows a table of host platforms and guest operating systems. Fill out a testing form (or several!) for the configurations that you have tried. For free operating systems, you could donate a disk image to save other users the trouble of installing.

    With anonymous CVS access (available to everyone), you can make changes to the Bochs source code and submit patches on SourceForge that allow other people to try out your improvements. If you are submitting frequent patches, ask Bryce or Greg for CVS write access.

For more ideas, contact the bochs-developers mailing list or one of the developers:
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Please send comments and questions concerning the site to Volker Ruppert.
Web site feature requests and bug reports should be added to the Web site tracker.
Last Modified on Saturday, 16-Jul-2022 08:03:02 UTC.
© 2001-2025 The Bochs Project. See the project statistics here.